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Why hire TicketMan?

Some drivers believe that just pleading not guilty is enough, and that the officer will not show on your trial date. This is a myth!

Officers are paid overtime in most courthouses to appear on court dates, so this gives them an incentive to appear. In addition, Officers' court dates are the same each month, which makes it very easy for them to work around it and make sure they appear.

On the other hand, by using the TicketMan service, you will be contesting your violation through a trial by written declaration. This means that TicketMan will fill out paperwork for you, and you do not have to appear in court, and niether does the Officer.

But wait, isn't it even worse that the officer now doesn't even have to appear in court? No, not at all.

The benefit of using this process rather than actually showing up in court is that it puts the officer in a more difficult position.

The officer must sit down and recall the violation and give his best recollection of what occurred, which is difficult knowing that Officers give out several tickets on a daily basis.

In essence you will have a much higher chance of being acquitted of your violation if you use the trial by written declaration method, rather than showing up in court and praying that the officer actually doesn't show up. And your best chances with a Trial by Written Declaration are with TicketMan!

If that's not enough to convince you, there's a great thing called Trial de Novo which allows you to basically have your trial "all over." In a nut shell, if you decide to do a Trial by Written Declaration but somehow lose, you will still have the option of requesting a Trial de Novo. So essentially you will have not one, but two chances to contest your violation!

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